“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Prov.4:23

It occurs to me that our hearts can be in dire need of “fresh paint”. I can become calloused and hard if I don’t do the daily maintenance to prevent my heart from becoming dingy and dull. Sitting quietly with Jesus in the Word, in prayer, and talking of spiritual matters with other Christians, helps to protect my heart from the dirt (sin) and pollution (world) in which I live. Confession and repentance of the sins allows the Lord to purify me daily. Monitoring the unhealthy influences of TV, internet, and other media are the preventive measures I can take to maintain the cleanliness of my heart. It’s a battle.
But the moment- to-moment battle guarding my heart is far less exhausting as I allow the love of God to permeate every available space in my heart. Nothing can preserve the integrity of my heart more than the unfailing unfathomable love of my holy and gracious heavenly Father. My heart is in His hands. How’s your heart today?
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