“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:7-9

I saw the most amazing sight today: a Cooper’s hawk grabbed a Mourning Dove right out of thin air! I was just stepping outside with my dog when the two doves were startled from the ground and took off for the trees behind my deck. Suddenly, I saw the hawk swoop from a branch and grab one of the doves in mid-air with incredible precision. Feathers flew as did the remaining dove making a quick escape, flying for its life. There was barely a sound as the hawk flew off into the woods with its lunch clenched firmly in its talons. This all took place in a single moment,

That moment grabbed my attention. Just like that dove, Satan can grab us when we least expect it! As Peter reminds us, we must remain alert and remember that Satan is prowling about just looking for an opportunity to devour us. Satan uses all kinds of distractions to tempt us: the computer, TV, the Coach bag that is out of our budget, or (in my case) a second helping of dessert! Thankfully, unlike that dove, we usually have plenty of time to make a decision about the temptation we face. But there are situations when we might only have a single moment to decide.
What choice will you make today?